About Aging Services, Inc.
Contact Us
1179 East Main Street
Norman, OK
Monday – Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm

Do you have a question or comment? We’d love to hear from you!

Who We Are
Aging Services has been operating in Cleveland County, Oklahoma for 47 years. You can trust that the Board of Directors and Staff give the utmost to our programs and services. We are a private, non-profit organization offering services to senior adults regardless of race, color, sex, age, ancestry, national origin, religion, or disability.

Our Mission
The mission of Aging Services, Inc. (ASI) is to enhance the lives and dignity of Cleveland County senior adults by providing programs, services and referrals that assist and promote healthy independent living.

Program and Service Support
A portion of the project costs of Aging Services, Inc. is met by state and federal Older Americans Act funds granted to Areawide Aging Agency, Inc. of Central Oklahoma and OKDHS Aging Services Division. Additional support for our programs and services is provided by private donors as well as the United Way of Norman, Kiwanis Club of Norman, the City of Norman and the City of Moore.