Areas of Service
(For most services, the eligibility requirement is to be at least 60 years of age.)
ASI provides lunch time meals, socialization, and educational programs Monday through Friday at five congregate meal sites throughout Cleveland County. There is a suggested donation of $2.25 for those age 60 and over and/or spouse of an individual age 60 and over. Adult disabled participants attending a meal site located in an independent housing facility are also eligible for a meal at the same suggested donation. There is a charge of $5.00 per meal for guests under 60 years of age.
A reservation is required. Lunch service starts at 11:30 am and ends at Noon. Please call ahead the day before to make a lunch reservation. The locations, their hours, and phone numbers are listed to the left.
Need Transportation?

Aging Services can provide a ride for you to doctor appointments, shopping, errands, etc. to all persons age 60 and over and the disabled under age 60.
ASI’s Kiwanis Kruiser, a wheelchair lift equipped van, operates Monday through Friday.
Rides are available on a first-come first-served basis , Monday thru Friday starting at 8:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. and from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.
This is a free service with a suggested donation of $2.50 per one way trip, but no one is turned away because of inability to pay.
Reservations for medical appointments may be scheduled up to one week in advance and reservations for shopping and other personal errands are scheduled one day in advance.
Contact Marsheila for an appointment at 405-321-3200.

Home Delivered Meals
ASI delivers meals Monday thru Friday to homebound elderly living in Cleveland County. Meals are provided following an in-home visit by an ASI Outreach Worker. A donation of $2.25 per meal is suggested for this service. The donation goes back directly into ASI funds to help those who cannot make a donation for this service.

Housekeeping Services
Housekeeping assistance is available to frail senior adults following an in-home assessment by an ASI Outreach Worker. Housekeepers perform light household duties such as mopping, vacuuming, dusting, etc. This service is offered to enable frail seniors with health limitations to remain in their own home. A donation of $12 per visit is suggested for this service. The donation goes back directly to ASI funds to help those who cannot make a donation for this service.

Respite Voucher Program

Are you a full time, live in caregiver to a senior adult or a grandparent raising your grandchildren? Do you need a break? Aging Services Inc. may be able to help you with vouchers you can use to hire respite care so you can take a break. As one of the Older Americans Act programs, Aging Services Inc. is now able to offer quarterly vouchers that you can use to hire the individual or service of your choice to provide care to your loved one while you take a break. If you are caring for a loved one who is home bound and over 60 years of age or caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or any other form of dementia, the ASI Respite Voucher Program is designed to help you. This program is also available to help grandparents age 55 years or older who are raising their grandchildren or great grandchildren. If you have any of the above noted circumstances contact Aging Services Inc. at (405) 321-3200 to learn more about the Respite Voucher Program. There is a suggested donation of $30 for this service. The donation goes back into ASI funds to help those who cannot make a donation.
Advantage Case Management
ASI administers a case management program for qualified individuals on Oklahoma’s Medicaid Waiver Program/Advantage Program. Advantage Case Managers develop and monitor a customized plan of care to assist eligible individuals deemed to be at an institutional level of care by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. The program’s goal is to give participants an opportunity to remain living at home with a combination of formal and informal assistance. Case Managers meet with the individual and /or family and then monitor services on a regular basis.

Would I qualify?
In order to qualify for the ADvantage program, you must meet both financial and medical qualifications. Financial qualifications are determined by a case worker at the local Department of Human Services county office. To meet medical qualifications, you must meet nursing home level of care, which is determined by a nurse at the local Department of Human Services county office.
The ADvantage Program provides an opportunity for frail elders and adults with physical disabilities to stay at home instead of residing in a nursing home. Persons served through this program can receive the services they need in their own home or in a family member’s home.
Administered by the Department of Human Services, Aging Services Division, the program is funded through a partnership between the federal and state governments via a waiver to the Medicaid Program.
The goal of the ADvantage Program is to offer a choice to those who would otherwise have to receive services in a nursing home. It is an appropriate service for individuals whose needs can best be met at home, but it does not replace nursing home care in all cases. It does not replace the care the family and friends provide in the home.
How to Apply
To apply, or if you have questions about the program, call the ADvantage Careline at 1-800-435-4711, or go to your local county Department of Human Services office.